
I graduated from UCSD with a Ph. D. in Chemical Engineering and have worked in Bioinformatics ever since. While I bounced around a bit early in my career, I’ve worked in database development/data management, platform development and data visualization for over 20 years working with bioinformatics legend Lincoln Stein. Along the way, I’ve created several workshop courses, organized many meetings and conferences, given dozens of talks and posters and worked with genomic data from across the taxonomic spectrum. If you’re curious, you can see my resume and publication list.

I’m currently looking for contracting opportunities in my fields of expertise, including genome databases: if you have one or more genomes you’d like to (or need to) share with the world or just your community, let me know. I can lead the way for getting your data online, in a secure and “full stack” way (database, web interface, data visualization, community annotation and even breeding stocks if you need it).


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I gave up on Twitter in late 2022 and moved to a Mastodon server at https://genomic.social/. It’s a pretty friendly place. I’m using this post to verify that @scottcain@genomic.social is the same person that runs this website, using the Mastodon verification scheme.

First post

Generally, I don’t blog much. I will likely be using the blog section for trying out new things that are of interest to me and probably no one else.


Use the links below to find me on LinkedIn and Mastodon or to send me an email.